Farbest Foods Inc., Farbest Farms Inc. and JFS Milling Inc. continue working diligently to enhance our organization’s position in the turkey industry as the most efficient producer of raw turkey meat with a solid reputation for superior quality and service.
How strong is our commitment to excellence? Farbest Foods has never lost a customer due to an issue with product quality or service. Our unwavering commitment to reliability, service and quality has resulted in many long-standing customer relationships – some spanning well over 25 years.
Because our customer service is anchored by the following tightly-held principles, Farbest customers know they can rely on us. Period.
- Provide top-grade turkey products processed in facilities that are constantly upgraded and maintained to meet and exceed the highest standards in safety and quality.
- Value and reward the good work of our employees.
- Maintain partnerships with trusted, quality vendors and suppliers.
- Fill every customer order correctly and on time.
- If there is ever an error or problem for our customers, we fix it immediately.
For Farbest, Good Enough is Simply Not Good Enough
Farbest meets and exceeds USDA requirements and we are BRC Food Certified. We adhere to HACCP* food safety management guidelines utilizing on-site PCR lab equipment that tests bacteria through DNA technology. In addition, all flocks are tested for Avian Influenza before they are processed.
“We’ve Always Done it this Way” Just isn’t our Way
Farbest Foods is one of the largest turkey companies in the country by volume. Because we continually invest in updating and adapting operations in our processing plants, automation, and technology at Farbest Foods represent the most advanced turkey processing practices in the industry.
Additionally, we’re noted for our willingness and ability to react and adapt to changing customer needs. Readily accommodating those we serve not only contributes to our success as a supplier of raw, fresh and frozen turkey products, but it also benefits you, the further processor.
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